web design, website copywriting, messaging, and brand strategy consulting for coaches and consultants

Go from click to client in less time than it takes to decide what to have for dinner tonight.

Transform your website from “meh” to “cha-ching!” using my proprietary C3 Framework, resulting in:

  • A brand strategy that reflects your unique value
  • Messaging that connects with your ideal clients
  • Conversion-driven copy that turns visitors into buyers
  • A website designed to convert and grow your business
Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for ADHD entrepreneurs. Melissa is sitting on a set of stairs typing on her laptop. She is wearing a blue shirt and floral Kimono cardigan.

picture this…

Your dream ideal client just landed on your website. Eeeek!
You only have a few seconds to connect with them so they stick around and book a call with you.

Can you trust your website to pull this off?

If your answer is anything other than a “Heck yes!” then friend, we need to talk.

No more losing potential clients because of minimal brand strategy, inconsistent messaging, and an outdated website.

You deserve to have a website that converts and pulls its own weight instead of mooching off of you like a roommate who doesn’t pay rent or help around the house.

It’s time for a new updated website, brand, and message that makes signing clients easier than scrolling through memes instead of tackling that to-do list (you know, the one where “update website” is staring back at you).

Yes, let’s do this!

It’s time you had a website and brand strategy that makes website visitors exclaim, “Where have you been all my life?!”

… and immediately book a call because they NEED to work with you like they need their mushroom coffee. (Just me? It’s totally a thing.)

With a web designer and brand strategy consultant on your team, your perfect-fit clients will be able to

  • land on your website,
  • immediately know that you are speaking directly to them,
  • and book a call with you already knowing they want to work with you.

It’ll be like waking up on Christmas morning every time you hear the “cha-ching” of a new client paying their invoice.

Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for ADHD entrepreneurs, looking down at her computer as she works with a glass of wine on the table beside her

“Before working with Melissa, I couldn’t really accurately describe what it is that I do, the people that I help, and how I can help them into a format that was easy to explain to someone and would enable me to connect with the right clients.

Now I have so many ideas for social media posts, podcast content, and how to talk to and connect with the right people.

– Jennifer Watts, ADHD Life & Weight Loss Coach

Ready to take the next step?

Book a no pressure consult call with me.

On this call, we’ll discuss your current challenges and roadblocks, your best next steps to growth, what options I have to support you, then together we’ll discuss the best solution for you.

Celebrate and breathe a sigh of relief. Your new brand, messaging, and website transformation is on its way!

Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for ADHD entrepreneurs. Melissa is sitting on sofa with a coffee mug wearing a white sweater and green shirt

You need a web designer and brand strategy consultant who will support you with a website and message that makes clients hit that book a call button faster than they can *add to cart* on Amazon.

*Steps on soapbox*

Everywhere I looked I saw web designers creating beautiful websites – with little to no brand strategy, messaging support, or conversion-driven copywriting – and that’s doing you a disservice! You deserve better.

Your message is what is going to do the selling – it bridges the gap between your clients needs, desires, and goals and your offer. Without a solid brand and messaging foundation, great design can only do so much.

And when your web designer expects you to know how to clearly refine and articulate your message in a way that resonates with your ideal client and write compelling, conversion driven copy?

Girl, you don’t need that kind of stress in your life. I get it. And I got you.

Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for female entrepreneurs, Melissa is sitting in the grass with her husband and two young daughters
Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for ADHD entrepreneurs. Melissa is sitting at a round table with her laptop, phone and a glass of white wine.

Hi, friend, I’m Melissa Mackey!

I am a wife, mama, Jesus follower, and ADHD web designer + brand strategy and messaging consultant. You can typically find me with coffee in one hand and wrangling my two young girls with the other.

So many coaches and consultants struggle to clearly communicate their message and have a brand and website that actually converts.

I use my three part C3 Framework (Click-Connect-Convert) to help you get clear on your brand’s strategy and message and apply it to your website and marketing so that you can get more clients, more quickly, and for more money.

Together we set the strategic foundation for your business so that your potential clients can buy into YOU and your brand.

You can build a business that thrives with a life you can love and work with your mental health and neurospicy brain.

web design, website copywriting, messaging, and brand strategy consulting for coaches and consultants

Find the perfect solution for your brand and business.

Take a peek at my services and how they can help your business grow and make attracting and signing new clients easier and quicker, then book a call with me to chat about how we can specifically work together on your brand. Whether you need a VIP brand strategy consulting and messaging intensive or the whole website shebang, I’m here to help!

Looking for sales page/funnel design and copy? I do that as well! We can chat about what your business needs when you book a call.

Melissa Mackey, branding and web strategy and design for ADHD female entrepreneurs. Melissa is sitting at a table smiling at her laptop, black and white photo

Reclaim Your Brand VIP Day Intensive

A half day brand strategy and messaging intensive + custom roadmap that will help you get clarity and fine tune your messaging so it will bring in ideal clients and turn them into buyers.

Melissa Mackey, branding and web design for ADHD entrepreneurs, looking down at her computer as she works with a glass of wine on the table beside her

Full Brand & Website Transformation

We start with a Reclaim Your Brand Intensive, then apply it to your website with a new strategic website designed to convert and compelling copy that speaks to the heart of your dream clients.